Christmas on My Mind…Already

Dear Grand Rapids,

I’m going to have a show at the DAAC for Christmas! Well, not on Christmas, but sometime around Christmas/Hanukkah/New Year’s Eve/New Year’s Day, etc.


Division Avenue Arts Collective - 115 S. Division·Grand Rapids, MI

We’re still working out all of the details, but I’m thinking the “show” is going to be a sort of collaborative-art-making-surprise-filled-holiday-bonanza-potluck. As for the content/concept – it’s going to be a variation on the envelopes project. For the first round of envelopes I prepared everything and sent it out to faraway places, waiting for everyone to finish at their own paces and getting the occasional surprise. This time around I’m changing all of that up: at the start of the DAAC show there won’t be anything on the walls. It’ll start with another stack of prepared envelopes, a table full of art supplies, and (ideally) tons of food. Participants can pick any envelope(s) and start working on whatever they want. The only rule is that it has to be on the wall by midnight. Then: boom, gallery opening. And everyone there is showing their work, there is no “artist” and “audience” because everyone is both.

The more “art world” stuff I see, the more I want to just make fun shit. I think that everyone should feel welcome making art and I want to work on projects that encourage participation. Or maybe I just never finish things and this is a way to just pass it on? Why can’t it be both?

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