Henry Darger

Spangled Blengins, Boy King Islands

I’d never heard of this guy…

So this is my attempt at a concise version of his biography: Henry Darger spent most of his life working as a janitor. He went to mass every day, but other than spending all of that time in church he was pretty much a loner. A few weeks before he died, his landlords visited his apartment and found his for-some-reason-super-secret life’s work: a 15,000 page book called The Story of the Vivian Girls, in What is Known as the Realms of the Unreal, of the Glandeco-Angelinnian War Storm, Caused by the Child Slave Rebellion. It’s a beautiful and bizarre story that no one will probably ever read the whole way through. He wrote himself into the story, which is cool too. I like that he created a sort of alternate universe as a means of coping with the sad bits of his life. Most people would just be drunk all the time.

Also, it’s super weird to picture him living at this address, at least considering the way Lincoln Park is now.

He’s pretty famous these days, and there’s even this movie!

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